Love Hearing!

When you Hearite™, you'll love hearing again!!

Experience huge savings on select name brand hearing aids from Signia, Phonak, Widex, Oticon, Starkey, Resound, and more.
(see selection below)

Plus, if you're in the market for OTC Hearing Aids sent direct to your home, you'll love our new HEARITE™ Hearing Aids, which automatically test your hearing and fit themselves to your hearing loss profile following connection to any smart phone or tablet.
We make it easy to hear right!


Premium HEARITE™ LUV Features: 

  • SELF-TEST/FIT - Tests & fits your loss automatically or by entering an audiogram. Best hearing aid for mild to moderate loss with a 40dB peak gain, no whistling digital sound
  • WIRELESS - Easy App or user button includes 4 amplifying settings for different listening environments and selectively amplifies human voices so you don’t miss a word
  • RECHARGEABLE - Easily hear without the need of replaceable batteries. 20+ hours of charge time with included charging case.
  • SMALL & COMPACT - Tiny hearing aid for all-day comfort uses open ear design. Weighing only 3 g, you’ll forget you’re wearing it.

Order today and we'll include FREE shipping AND a personalized consultation.
Restrictions apply. Call TODAY!
or +1-844-432-7483

Hear Right. Live Right.